Believe in You


Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.  As a dreamer myself, I’ve been a great buyer of her sentiments – a shouting fan in the stands of every dreamer en route to the realisation of their dreams and to the power and the wisdom that grows in following the aspirations born of our hearts.

Yet, in all this time of following the dreams of my own heart, I have had to make one small amendment to my understanding of Eleanor’s words.  I have come to know now that the future ultimately belongs to those who believe in the dreamer that dreams those beautiful dreams.

As I step forward yet again on this dreamer’s path, I ask myself,

“Do I believe inherently in me?”

“Do I believe in the wisdom and the guidance inside of me to be my navigator en route to the aspirations of my heart?”

This is the question each dreamer faces when stepping onto the path of the dream – when scripting a today that is a deeper reflection of the true heart’s intentions.  Each step a response to the question,”Do I believe in me?”

To trust in all the wisdom and promise of the dream is an awakening.

To trust in all the wisdom and promise of the dreamer is an epiphany.


The Leader


The Void of Success